Thursday, July 21, 2011

How Lovely Will She Be?

Here is a picture of me around 3 - 5 months? Below is a picture of my Hubby at birth. I keep looking at both of these pictures and then the ultrasound pictures to determine who Little House looks like : )

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Little House in My Belly

Here are ultrasound photos of the newest Little House on the block. The first photo was taken at approximately 12 weeks gestation. The second and third photos were taken at approximately 20 weeks. I am still totally amazed at how conception, growth and development occur. What a mind blowing process!

We just learned in our parenting class that the size of the baby's stomach at the time of delivery is about the size of a marble. Coincidentally, the amount of breastmilk let down at this time is around a teaspoon.
In the next several days, the baby's stomach grows larger and ends up being the size of a ping pong ball. Simultaneously, there is a coordinating amount of milk (from teaspoon to tablespoon full) that is being produced and let down. If the baby's stomach were any larger she may go hungry due to the minute volume a woman's body is capable of producing at that time. Vice versa and the baby would be drowning or the woman would be in pain from engorgement. 

When I hear and understand these facts I am convinced that there is a purposeful design of life. I am in awe of the God who came up with this design and had the power to bring it to life (pun intended). 

Anyway, isn't she just the cutest baby you've ever seen?!?!

Love is in the Air

Hello and Welcome to my first real blog! I'm excited to create a place to share with family and friends (and maybe even some new friends too) about all the exciting changes and random tidbits this new chapter of life has to offer.

This is a photo of my husband and I in Paris, France! We were able to travel there in December 2010 after Hubby's company decided he needed to go there on business. I have always wanted to travel to France and was not sure that I ever would be able to. It was such a gift and now it's really easy for me to support my Hubby in his job : ) I'll try to limit the amount of nausea inducing photos in the future but I just love this picture and couldn't help but share it!